How to Move for a Better Connection in Dance

connection dance Nov 19, 2020

How we move is another key to create a great connection. This starts from the position and posture we have, and then it is a matter of what types of moves we make, as well as how we make them. 

Our posture is essential. The more closely we match our postures, the better the connection. If the follow dances like a proud soldier with a good posture and the lead looks like a sack of potatoes, it will definitely affect the connection. Matching postures are better for connection, and better connection makes us more popular on the dance floor.

This is an excerpt from one of my books - "The Secrets of Social Dance - How to Become a Popular Dancer" which you can find on Amazon.

Another consideration is how we align our body and our head to our partner. Facing our partner more with our upper body and head will create a better connection. This doesn't mean we should stare our partner in the eyes all the time. That would feel creepy. But we could avoid turning our body and head away from our partner more than necessary. We can dissociate our upper body and legs when we dance so that we have a better connection in our upper body. Of course, this might be less relevant in dances where you always move around each other, and more relevant for dances where you usually stay within the frame.

Some moves are naturally connected. If I move together with my partner in the same direction, it will be more connected than if we move in opposite directions. Do you agree? I think that makes sense. So, when we dance, if we want to create maximum connection, the first thing we need to think about is what type of moves we make. Movements in the same direction are naturally more connected.

When we move, it is critical to move at the same time. How fast is the reaction from lead until the follow moves? The quicker the response, the more controlled and connected will our movements be. This has a lot to do with the general principles for leading and following we talked about. Keeping a certain presence in the body, both for lead and follow, is key. When the reaction is quick, we will take the steps at the same time.

I would say this is important to create connection in all dances, but the closer the dance, the more critical it is to move together, at the same time. And the more our weight transfers happen at the same time, the better connection we will have, and the easier it will be to lead and follow.

When we move with the same size of steps and the same "amplitude" in body movements, we will also be more synchronised and have a better connection. The more differently we move, the less connection. As I mentioned in the part about communication, sometimes it can make sense to send a more subtle signal, if the follow moves too much on her own. But if the follow moves just a little bit more than the lead it can be more effective if the lead adapts instead, by increasing the body movement a bit - all for the sake of connection.

Don't miss the video explaining the last three of these, click below. =) 

This is an excerpt from one of my books - "The Secrets of Social Dance - How to Become a Popular Dancer" which you can find on Amazon.

Suggestion - Check the kizomba, fusion, musicality and follow technique courses here


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